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Julia Tindell
Julia Tindell is a junior English major at Gustavus Adolphus College. When she graduates, she hopes to obtain a PhD in English and become a college professor. She currently works as a tutor in the Writing Center at Gustavus and plans to study abroad next fall at Oxford University.
Photo by Mahir Karayazıdiv>Erkut Tokman
Turkish poet, translator, and visual/performance artist Erkut Tokman is a member of the Poetry Society and Exiled Writers Ink as well as both Turkish and Italian PEN. He is the author of five verse collections and has recent poems in New Humanist and Poetry Buenos Aires. He won the Italian Ministry of Culture Translation and Quasimodo Jaci Poetry awards.
Raúl Tola
Raúl Tola is a Peruvian journalist and fiction writer who lives between Lima and Madrid. His novel Flores amarillas (2013) was reviewed in the November 2014 issue of WLT.
Photo by Iván Rubíndiv>Natalia Toledo
Natalia Toledo was born in a neighborhood of fishermen in Juchitán, Oaxaca, Mexico. Her bilingual poetry anthology Guie’ yaase’ / Olivo negro won the National Indigenous Language Prize in 2004. Her poems and stories have been translated to languages as varied as French, Punjab, and Euskera.
Julie-Françoise Tolliver
Julie-Françoise Tolliver is associate professor of English at the University of Oklahoma, specializing in twentieth-century and contemporary world literature and film. Her research focuses on environmental humanities, francophone studies, Canadian studies, American studies, postcolonial studies, and world literature and cinema. She is currently completing her second book, Burning Stories: The Meaning of Wildland Fire in Canadian and American Literature and Film.
Svetlana Tomić
Svetlana Tomić is an associate professor in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Alfa BK University, Serbia. She has authored five scholarly monographs, edited six books, and published two books of poems. For her first poetry book she received the Serbian Literary Youth Organization publication award for a manuscript. Her main research interests are in the institutionalized public knowledge of nineteenth-century Serbian literature, research methodologies in closed societies, hidden history, women’s writings, the formation of a women’s elite in the Balkans, and post-Yugoslav literature.
Andrea Tompa
Andrea Tompa (b. 1971) is a novelist and theater critic based in Budapest. She edits the leading theater journal Színház (Theater) and is a member of the Széchenyi Literary and Arts Academy. Her fourth novel, Haza (Home), was published in June 2020. “Tongue in Mouth” is an excerpt from it.
Martín Tonalmeyotl
Martín [Jacinto Meza] Tonalmeyotl is a Nahua poet, fiction writer, teacher, translator, radio host, and columnist who has dedicated his career to the anthologization, destigmatization, and greater circulation of underrepresented languages native to Mexico and, more recently, the greater Americas. A trained linguist, his master’s thesis was the first to formally document the morphology and phonology of Atzacoaloya Náhuatl, the variant in which he writes; he has been a professor at various universities in Mexico, at work training a new generation of speakers. He is on the editorial board of Nueva York Poetry Review Press, where he oversees the publication of texts written in indigenous languages. Additionally, he is editor of the series Xochitlájtoli (Círculo de Poesía), a regular column of contemporary poetry written in Mexico’s indigenous languages, and Brasiliana, a series dedicated to those of Latin America more broadly appearing trilingually in the original, Spanish, and Portuguese (Philos). He is compiler of the anthology Xochitlajtoli: Poesía contemporánea en lenguas originarias de México (Círculo de Poesía, 2019), the first to be selected and edited by a member of an indigenous community rather than a scholar from the outside, and the first to include the authors’ own unmediated translations into Spanish. An enormous undertaking including thirty-one authors in sixteen languages, Xochitlajtoli is one of the most significant recent scholarly achievements in hemispheric American poetry. Tonalmeyotl has also compiled an anthology of all female-identified poets writing in Náhuatl as well as a several-hundred-page long, three-volume historical survey of Nahuatl writing. His bilingual collections, which present self-translations from regional Atzacoaloya Náhuatl into Spanish en face alongside the original, include Tlalkatsajtsilistle / Ritual de los olvidados (Jaguar Ediciones, Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Puebla, 2016), Nosentlalilxochitlajtol / Antología personal (Asociación de Escritores de México, Colección Colores Primarios, 2017), and Istitsin ueyeatsintle / Uña mar (Cisnegro, 2019).
Khal Torabully
Khal Torabully, from Mauritius, is a prizewinning poet, essayist, film director, and semiologist. Author of some twenty-five books, he coined the term “coolitude” to give voice to indentured workers, imbuing the term with dignity and pride. Torabully’s linguistic acrobatics (wordplay and neologisms) serve to heighten the seriousness of his themes.
Tomas Tranströmer
Tomas Tranströmer (born 15 April 1931 in Stockholm) is a Swedish writer, poet and translator, who has sold thousands of volumes in his native country, and whose poetry has been translated into over sixty languages. He has published ten volumes of poetry in Swedish, from 17 dikter (17 Poems; 1954) to For levande och doda (1989; Eng. "For Living and Dead"). He won the 1990 Neustadt Prize.
Roberta Trapè
Roberta Trapè is an honorary fellow of the School of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Melbourne, where she lectured in Italian studies for five years. She works extensively on the theme of Australian travel to Italy in contemporary Australian fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. She has written on notions of space in narrating history and examined travel ideals of Italy in food in North American films.
Photo by Daniel Bouddiv>Mark Tredinnick
Mark Tredinnick is a poet, nature writer, and essayist. The winner in 2011 of the Montreal Poetry Prize and in 2012 of the Cardiff Poetry Prize, he is the editor of Australian Love Poems and the author of Australia’s Wild Weather, The Blue Plateau, Fire Diary, and eight other books. His new book of poems, Bluewren Cantos, will appear in early 2014. He is a founding member of the Kangaloon Group of Concerned Artists and Scholars. Read more at his website
Ilija Trojanow
Ilija Trojanow (b. 1965) has lived in Nairobi, Munich, Bombay, and Cape Town. Today he resides in Vienna. He has received numerous literary awards, including the 2006 Leipzig Book Fair Prize for his novel Der Weltensammler, later translated into English as The Collector of Worlds, as well as the 2009 Prize of the Literature Houses. Several of his other books have also been translated into English, including Along the Ganges and, more recently, The Lamentations of Zeno.
William Trowbridge
William Trowbridge’s latest collection, Oldguy: Superhero—The Complete Collection, was published in September by Red Hen Press. His other collections are Put This On, Please: New and Selected Poems, Ship of Fool, The Complete Book of Kong, Flickers, O Paradise, and Enter Dark Stranger. His poems have appeared in more than forty anthologies and textbooks as well as on The Writer’s Almanac, An American Life in Poetry, and in such periodicals as Poetry, Gettysburg Review, Georgia Review, Boulevard, Southern Review, Plume, Columbia, Rattle, Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, Epoch, and New Letters. He lives in the Kansas City area and teaches in the University of Nebraska low-residency MFA in Writing Program. He was poet laureate of Missouri from 2012 to 2016.
James Tar Tsaaior
James Tsaaior, an Associate Professor, is the chair of the Mass Media and Writing Department, School of Media and Communication, Pan-African University, Lagos, and Director of Academic Planning at the university, where he teaches creative writing and media studies. He was a visiting research fellow, Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge, UK.
Aleksandra Tsibulia
Aleksandra Tsibulia is a poet and literary critic based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Her first book, Puteshestvie na krai krovi (Journey to the edge of blood), was published in 2014 and won the Arkady Dragomoschenko Award for young authors writing poetry in Russian. She works at the Hermitage Museum.
Kọ́lá Túbọ̀sún
Kọ́lá Túbọ̀sún is a Nigerian writer and linguist, author of Edwardsville by Heart, a collection of poems, and Ìgbà Èwe: Translated Poems of Emily R. Grosholz. He is the publisher of and the Africa co-editor of the Best Literary Translations anthology, published by Deep Vellum. He lives between Lagos, Nigeria, and Maple Grove Minnesota.
Daniel Tunnard
Daniel Tunnard is the author of the novel ESCAPEs, about the 1990s Latin American Scrabble mafia, and the Spanish-language nonfiction books Colectivaizeishon, el inglés que tomó todos los colectivos de Buenos Aires, and Trenspotting en los ferrocarriles argentinos.
Bunkong Tuon
Bunkong Tuon is a Cambodian American writer and poet. His work has appeared in Copper Nickel, New York Quarterly, Massachusetts Review, Lowell Review, American Journal of Poetry, Diode Poetry Journal, among others. His debut novel, Koan Khmer, is forthcoming from Curbstone Press. He is poetry editor of Cultural Daily. Tuon teaches at Union College, in Schenectady, New York.
John Turnbull
Since 2003 John Turnbull has edited The Global Game (, a website of world soccer culture. He is coeditor of The Global Game: Writers on Soccer (2008) and lives in Atlanta. His Pushcart Prize–nominated essay "Alone in the Woods: The Literary Landscape of Soccer's 'Last Defender'" appeared in the July 2010 issue of WLT.
Frederick Turner
Frederick Turner, Founders Professor of Arts and Humanities at the University of Texas at Dallas, was educated at Oxford University. Poet, critic, translator, philosopher, former editor of The Kenyon Review, he has authored over thirty books, including The Culture of Hope, Genesis, Hadean Eclogues, Shakespeare’s Twenty-First Century Economics, Paradise, Natural Religion, Epic, and Two Ghost Poems. He has been nominated internationally over eighty times for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Matthew Turner
Matthew Turner was born in Greytown, New Zealand, in 1961. After graduating from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, he spent a year studying Japanese language and culture at Nagoya University as a Japanese Government (Monbusho) Scholar. He was later awarded a second Monbusho Scholarship to conduct postgraduate research at Keio University. He has lived, worked, and traveled widely in Japan.
Alison Turner
Alison Turner has an MA in comparative literature from the University of Alberta and an MFA in fiction from Bennington College. She has volunteered at various refugee resettlement agencies in Denver.
Brian Turner
Brian Turner is a writer living in Orlando, Florida. With poet Dorianne Laux, Turner collaborated on this fictional poem for an upcoming book, When You Ask for Something Beautiful.
Photo by Shevaun Williamsdiv>Dubravka Ugrešić
Dubravka Ugrešić is a European writer, author of several novels and volumes of essays that have been translated into over twenty languages. Recipient of several prestigious literary awards, including the 2016 Neustadt International Prize for Literature, Ugrešić was born and raised in the former Yugoslavia, then in Croatia, and now lives in the Netherlands.
Anthony Chibueze Ukwuoma
Anthony Chibueze Ukwuoma is a writer and editor at Ngiga Review. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering from Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria. His work appears in African Writer Magazine, Lolwe, New Black Magazine, Afrocritik, and elsewhere.
Photo © Ekaterina Bogdanovadiv>Amarsana Ulzytuev
Amarsana Ulzytuev (b. 1963), an alumnus of the Gorky Literature Institute, is from the Buryatia capital of Ulan-Ude, one hundred miles southeast of Lake Baikal. Just off the presses is his third book, Anaphora. His first two are Morning Forever (2002) and Abovenew (2009, with an afterword by Alexander Eremenko), and a fourth is forthcoming from Vremya. Two of Alex Cigale’s translations of his other poems appeared in the May 2014 issue of WLT.
Sandee Gertz Umbach
Sandee Gertz Umbach is a poet/writer from western Pennsylvania, now living in Nashville. She is the author of The Pattern Maker’s Daughter (Bottom Dog, 2012) and is completing her memoir, Some Girls Have Auras of Bright Colors. She is a PA Council on the Arts fellow, a winner of the Sandburg-Livesay Award, and her poetry collection earned second place in the Working Class Studies Tillie Olsen award competition. She has an MFA from Wilkes University.
Giuseppe Ungaretti
Giuseppe Ungaretti (1888-1970) was born in Alexandria, Egypt into an Italian family, where he was educated in French and began working as a journalist and literary critic. Ungaretti moved to Paris in 1912, but enlisted in the infantry in World War I and fought in the trenches in Northern Italy. World War I served as the catalyst for Ungaretti's venture into poetry, and he published his first collection of poetry in 1916. Among his many affiliations, Ungaretti's works were influenced by Dadaism, Hermeticism (of which he helped to revoluntionize in the 1930s), Symbolism, and Futurism, among others. Ungaretti is the first laureate of the Neustadt Prize, he won the prestigious literary prize in 1970.
Abhimanyu Unnuth
Mauritian writer Abhimanyu Unnuth (1937–2018) was the author of more than seventy books. In 2014 he was awarded an honorary fellowship by the Sahitya Akdemi, the Indian National Academy of Letters, for his eminence in the global Hindi literary sphere.