Notes from the Cataclysm

  • Rilla Askew
    Photo: Quarantine portrait. Tulsa, Oklahoma. March 22, 2020, by Joseph Rushmore A writer of historical fiction, located in the US heartland, considers the pandemic’s languid creep and an…
  • Anna Kushner
    Sunset in Queens, New York, May 5, 2020. Photo: Jay Santiago / Flickr In isolation, a writer connects her mother’s attempt to protect her from “never-being-able-to-leave-Cuba-itis” to her own des…
  • Hawre Khalid
    Photos: Hawre Khalid THE MORTAR LANDED close, maybe two hundred meters away. Then, I saw only black smoke filling the sky. Till that moment, I had never seen smoke so big. As if fire…
  • Elaine Vilar Madruga
    Photo: Havana, Cuba by Tiago Claro / Unsplash In this work of creative nonfiction from Cuba, plague is something common shared with those who lived in Thebes. I carefully open a pregnancy te…
  • Gianni Skaragas
    The Greek government announced plans to reopen the vital tourism sector as the country is likely to suffer the worst recession in the European Union this year. Photo: Gianni Skaragas In Greece, a…
  • Carlos Pintado
    Honeycomb Photo: Shilo Labelle / Unsplash, bee photo: Ante Hamersmit / Unsplash,  Spoon photo: Jen Blair In quarantine in South Beach, Miami, a writer looks to literature—and bees—while contempla…